Her Royal Highness

My photo
Lambertville, New Jersey
Well what can be said about me...I like shoes, pink, key lime pie, the beach, laughing at you or with you, and traveling. I don't like raspberries, mushrooms, or people that are stupid, creepy, or drive really slowly in front of me. I love my Mikimotos like I might love my first born child...I don't have kids yet though so one never knows. I wear a tiara when I clean and sometimes just because I like it. I have light up bunny ears that I wear sometimes too...sometimes a girl just needs to sparkle a little, you know?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Mexico

So I am back from New Mexico, where I spent 5 days for Cory's wedding. To say that New Mexico is the polar opposite of New Jersey might be an understatement to say the least. The mountains, the high desert, the vegetation, the adobe, the size of the sky, all of it is so different than what I've been used to, but it was beautiful. The colors were amazing, the sky was huge. The river was so tiny!

I will post more on the trip as a whole, the bachelorette party, the wedding, the trip to Taos, it was all a good time. I had way more fun than I expected to have by going solo to a place 2000 miles from home and going stag to a wedding.

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