Her Royal Highness

My photo
Lambertville, New Jersey
Well what can be said about me...I like shoes, pink, key lime pie, the beach, laughing at you or with you, and traveling. I don't like raspberries, mushrooms, or people that are stupid, creepy, or drive really slowly in front of me. I love my Mikimotos like I might love my first born child...I don't have kids yet though so one never knows. I wear a tiara when I clean and sometimes just because I like it. I have light up bunny ears that I wear sometimes too...sometimes a girl just needs to sparkle a little, you know?

Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm "It"

So as I was catching up on blogs from my WW ladies, I saw that Julie had "tagged" me (hence me being IT) to answer some questions, so here it goes:

5 things found in your bag:
* Lip balm - there is a little pot of Blistex DCT and a tube of Kiehl's in there - it's important to have kissably soft lips in the event I meet a frog I can kiss to a prince
* About 8 tubes of lip gloss/lip stick - I know, I know, I have a lip fetish
* Camera - one never knows when something hilarious might happen that requires photo memories
* My business cards & a stack of my Breast Cancer 3-day cards
* My Red Cross ID - you never know when you're gonna get called out on a fire

5 favorite things found in your bedroom:
My bed - oh how I love my bed
* My gorgeous hand-woven pink oriental wool/silk carpet
* My 250 pairs of shoes - I love every pair
* My bubblegum pink Coach spring peacoat - it's such a happy coat
* My baby blanket from when I was a kid

5 things I have always wanted to do:
Live abroad for at least 3 months
* Explore Ireland in depth and visit the land of my ancestors
* Wear a bikini on the beach without feeling self-conscious about it
* Go on safari in Africa and see critters in the wild
* Write and publish a book

5 things I am currently into:
prepping for the Breast Cancer 3-day in October
* Getting back into the grove of learning once classes begin in September - Dr. Smith here I come!
* My weight loss journey on WW and the wonderful women I encounter on the messages boards there who constantly inspire and amaze me
* Volunteer work with the Red Cross - I love giving, who knew?
* Work - I LOVE my job! Who else gets this excited to work with mentally ill criminals?

5 people I want to tag:
* Jason
* YOU!

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