Her Royal Highness

My photo
Lambertville, New Jersey
Well what can be said about me...I like shoes, pink, key lime pie, the beach, laughing at you or with you, and traveling. I don't like raspberries, mushrooms, or people that are stupid, creepy, or drive really slowly in front of me. I love my Mikimotos like I might love my first born child...I don't have kids yet though so one never knows. I wear a tiara when I clean and sometimes just because I like it. I have light up bunny ears that I wear sometimes too...sometimes a girl just needs to sparkle a little, you know?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Oldie on driving on the Mainline

Original post 10/12/07

I’ll have a serving of bad driving with an oz of pretention and a side of nostalgia

So I took a drive down memory lane into the land of nostalgia with a trip to Villanova for an MPRE review class - nothing like 4 hours of legal ethics to really get the brain going. The drive down was like 2nd nature, the school experience delightful - the big fancy brand new parking facility makes me a bit envious of the hours it seems I spent wandering the parking lots seem so unfair and tragic...why don't these little monsters (oh yeah I sat in that class with like 75 of them) have to leave 1/2 an hour early to get a parking spot? As to the whole legal ethics thing - SNOREFEST! This exam I have to take is gonna be horrible...boring...annoying...

Anyway...the thing that struck me most about that trip down memory lane is realizing how badly people drive on the mainline! My lord I braked, stopped, slammed on my brakes and changed lanes around people driving high end cars in terrible terrible ways. Oh yeah, and the fact that I wanted a tea and couldn't go anyplace but StarBucks to get one was rather on the annoying side. I forgot just how pretentious the MainLine can be...nothing like a place that makes Princeton look laid back!

One of my favorite lines of one of my favorite movies is "Daddy always says 'An ounze of pretention is worth a pound of manure.'" So name that movie and get a prize...follow it up with the next line and get double rewards!

As to the thought of the day...the blog is back by popular demand, leave me some love when you read it. Here is the thought: People shouldn't get engaged after 5 weeks of dating, especially if you are calling an ex to proclaim your love for her...it's just a thought that it might not make the best marriage.

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