Her Royal Highness

My photo
Lambertville, New Jersey
Well what can be said about me...I like shoes, pink, key lime pie, the beach, laughing at you or with you, and traveling. I don't like raspberries, mushrooms, or people that are stupid, creepy, or drive really slowly in front of me. I love my Mikimotos like I might love my first born child...I don't have kids yet though so one never knows. I wear a tiara when I clean and sometimes just because I like it. I have light up bunny ears that I wear sometimes too...sometimes a girl just needs to sparkle a little, you know?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Slacker, Slacker!

Yes, I admit I am a bad blogger...I haven't written anything in MONTHS, I am a bad Queen for neglecting my loyal subjects. So here I am throwing myself back into this like a much better Queen sporting a tiara.

So here are some random musings to catch us up...

I'm dating a normal man...hard to believe I know, but 'tis true. Granted "normal" is rather abstract as a concept, but for me it means he lives in a big boy house, doesn't have children with one night stands, is gainfully employed, not actively psychotic, and has not (to my knowledge) been convicted of any felonies, misdemeanors, and does not have a DUI conviction. He brings flowers...FOR NO REASON! He cleaned my shower this weekend and likes to do dishes! This is progress on a grand scale for me, granted since I am proclaiming this with surprise and glee I am sure that karma will return the favor with a kick in the pants, but what can you do. Granted, he does look confused or angry in photographs...remember the episode of Friends when Chandler and Monica were trying to get an engagement photo done? It's precisely like that, he's fine until the camera comes out and then he goes facial spasmodic. Oh, and did I mention that I'm dating an Eagles fan...I shudder still when I think about it. SIGH...it's like karma wants to prove she still has a sense of humor when it comes to my dating life, so that was a good dig to get in...an Eagles fan...shaking my head in disbelief...

The ticker is still ticking but we meet with the surgeon next month and shall see if there is another set of "cardiac ablations" in the future. I've been sporting an ever so sexy cardiac monitor for 2 weeks - 3 electrodes, lots of wires, a sensor on my belt, and a monitor the size of a 1980s cell phone to carry around. Granted the joy of the monitor and the delightful sticky electrodes (which remove skin) are compounded by the rash that is developing on my chest from the wires and electrodes. Envy me...go ahead...you know you want to.

My hair is no longer summer blond! Last night I decided to take a risk and move back to my "natural" hair color with some pumped up highlights. Now I am a super sassy redhead again! Beware world...photos to follow.

On a very happy note, I found out that since I couldn't do the Breast Cancer 3-day this year because of the ticker not ticking as much as tocking, they are letting me roll over my registration and funds raised so far this year into the 2009 walk! WOOHOO! Very excited about this! I am signed up for the 2009 walk in Philadelphia next year and I'm looking for other folks to walk with me...could it be you? I think it could!

Thought of the day: Although it's great to take your dog for a long walk on a crisp Fall evening on a country road to enjoy the foliage, it might be a BAD idea of you and your spouse are out at dusk dressed in brown pants and navy blue pants walking a black dog. Just a thought people...that is a "pedistrian hit by a car" call waiting to happen.